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Eliminate Hot Lead Wiping!

AirRepair® -- A Revolutionary Leak Repair System for Pressurized Telephone Cable Systems. Stops Air Escaping from Lead Sheathed Splice Enclosures and Polyethylene Components. Eliminates Hot Wipe Procedures.

Pressurized Leak Repair System

AirRepair® -- A Revolutionary Leak Repair System for Pressurized Telephone Cable Systems. Stops Air Escaping from Lead Sheathed Splice Enclosures and Polyethylene Components. Eliminates Hot Wipe Procedures.


AirRepair® is a revolutionary new leak repair system for pressurized telephone cables and splices. AirRepair® seals air leaks in lead-sheathed cables and splice enclosures, polyethylene "stalpeth" cable jackets, load coils, end-plates, and more. AirRepair® eliminates messy and dangerous molten lead "hot wipe" procedures. AirRepair® allows a single craftsperson, with minimal training, to effectively and economically seal 20 or more leaks per day.

AirRepair® Sealant is a 2-part, fast curing, gray paste. The AirRepair® 2-part paste is packed in an easy-to-use system. Pre-measured packaging contains enough material to seal one typical leak, approximately 6 square inches at a coating thickness of 1/4 inch.

AirRepair® is a no-sag paste that, once mixed, can be immediately applied to the cable or splice underside, along seams, and in the "crotch" area. The sealant will hold air pressure within 10 minutes of mixing and application. The sealant cures at ambient temperatures as low as 40°F, forming a tough seal. The cured seal is resistant to water, salt, oils, and other manhole contaminants.


Color: Dark Grey Cured Hardness: 75 (Shore D)
Viscosity: No-Sag, Thick Paste Durability: Resistant to Water
Pot Life: 5 Minutes @ 70°F/21°C Adhesion to Lead & Metals: Good
Adhesion to Plastic: Good (may require primer)

AirRepair® Sealant is always provided in a kit customized to end-user needs. The kit contains the preparation and patching materials necessary to repair air leaks in polyethylene and lead-sheathed cables and splice enclosures. Components typically include sealant, putty, cleaning wipes, abrasive cloth, mixing and application tools, gloves, primer (for polyethylene applications), and detailed instructions.

AirRepair® Package Size Units/CS Image
AR-KIT Customized AirRepair® kit. Call For details. Varies The AirRepair® Kit. Components are customized to customer needs.
AR-STICK 7" (4 oz.) Putty stick for temporary leak plugging. 12 The AirRepair® Putty Stick.
PW-1 AirRepair Plastic Primer Wipe for Stalpeth and polyethylene plastics. 10 NONE
TR-1 Type TR surface prep wipes 96 The AirRepair® Putty Stick.

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Important Notice: The statements and information here are made in good faith based on tests and observations we believe to be reliable. However, the completeness and accuracy of the information is not guaranteed. Before using, the end-user should conduct whatever evaluations are necessary to determine that the product is suitable for the intended use. The user assumes all risks and liability in connection with such use. The statements contained herein are made in lieu of all warranties, express or implied, including, but not limited to, implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose, which warranties are hereby expressly disclaimed. American Polywater's only obligation shall be to replace such quantity of the product proven to be defective. Except for the replacement remedy, American Polywater shall not be liable for any loss, injury or damage, direct or indirect, arising from the use or the failure to properly use these products, regardless of the legal theory asserted. The foregoing may not be altered except by a written agreement by the officers of American Polywater Corporation.

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