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Reprinted from "Electrical News"

Most electrical contractors eventually face the problem of how to pull out old, stuck cables to free up and reuse a conduit. Typically, such cables have been in a conduit for decades. Pulling equipment and procedures used to install cables often aren't adequate to free them from the rust, wax-lube residue, or other binding agents found in old conduits. Contractors may be forced to cut into walls or dig up floors if stuck cables can't be budged.

Such was the dilema faced recently by Ludvik Electric, an electrical contracting firm in Englewood, Colorado. Ludvik was remodeling the interior of Folsom Field, the football stadium at the University of Colorado.

According to Ludvik's Project Manager, Donald Vander Laan, "We had to remove three #2 15kV cables from a 350-foot run. They'd been in there 20 years. The difficulty factor was unknown. I didn't even know how many elbows we were dealing with."

Vander Laan opted to use a new product recently introduced by American Polywater Corporation in Stillwater, Minnesota, called CableFree® Loosener. CableFree® Loosener is a unique liquid which, when poured into a conduit, dissolves materials such as rust, wax, and tar that may be binding cables in. CableFree® also serves as a superior lubricant to ease the pulling out of cables once they've broken free.

"We were really pleased," Vander Laan said of the CableFree®, "When we bought the material, we were advised to load it into the conduit and let it steep overnight, if possible; but we were running out of time. We used some CO² bottles to blow the CableFree® through the conduit, then plugged up the conduit and waited three hours. We hooked our equipment up, and the cables pulled out easily. Then we just brushed the conduit clean. That was the easiest removal we've ever done. The CableFree® worked slick."

Vander Laan sent an interoffice memo regarding CableFree® to all project managers at Ludvik, and the product has now been used successfully by others at Ludvik as well.

Click here to view testimonials from CableFree® users

Click here to view the Technical Talk Newsletter article on removing cables from conduit

Important Notice: The statements and information here are made in good faith based on tests and observations we believe to be reliable. However, the completeness and accuracy of the information is not guaranteed. Before using, the end-user should conduct whatever evaluations are necessary to determine that the product is suitable for the intended use. The user assumes all risks and liability in connection with such use. The statements contained herein are made in lieu of all warranties, express or implied, including, but not limited to, implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose, which warranties are hereby expressly disclaimed. American Polywater's only obligation shall be to replace such quantity of the product proven to be defective. Except for the replacement remedy, American Polywater shall not be liable for any loss, injury or damage, direct or indirect, arising from the use or the failure to properly use these products, regardless of the legal theory asserted. The foregoing may not be altered except by a written agreement by the officers of American Polywater Corporation.

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