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3 Major Reasons to Use the
SpliceMaster® PEL-PAC® System for Cleaning Cables
(PEL = Permissible Exposure Limit)

Convenience Convenience Convenience
Type HP™ 72-count wipes canister, catalog #HP-D72. Each of the PEL-PAC® packages utilize non-linting, non-tearing towels. Clean wipes are always available so that the old contaminates from dirty rags are not reapplied to the parts during cleaning. Kits may be custom designed to include dry towels and abrasive cloth as needed. The packaging conveniently fits into tool bags or pockets.
  • Lint-Free Towel Always Available

  • Multiple Kit Options

  • New 72-Count Dispenser Canisters

  • Durable for Nose Bag, Tool Box or Truck Storage
Control Control Control
Type HP™ PEL-PAC® kit, catalog #HP-T369. Minimal solvent should be used to remove contaminants from cables, splices or connectors. Directly spraying or immersing the cables allows the solvent to puddle, increasing chance of failure. Soaking can swell or harm sensitive rubbers and plastics. Many solvents used today are slower drying and may require a drying towel to speed evaporation. A small amount of solvent will go a long way. The PEL-PAC® system with presaturated towels promotes proper cleaning techniques and limits the use of excess solvent.
  • Minimal Solvent Usage, No Waste

  • No Solvent Puddling

  • Speeds Drying

  • Less Solvent Exposure to Cables and Accessories
Safety Safety Safety
Type TR™ saturated wipe, catalog #TR-1. Primary exposure of cleaning solvents is through inhalation. As the solvent evaporates, it forms a vapor that begins to concentrate in the air space. Excess solvent from the use of bulk cleaners poured onto a cable or rags will quickly increase the vapor loading (especially in manholes). Aerosols atomize solvents, immediately injecting large quantities of solvent vapor into the air space. Presaturated wipes contain a carefully measured quantity of solvent and are an excellent way to control vapor. Ventilation should always be used in confined or enclosed spaces.
  • Limits Vapor Exposure

  • No Spill Hazard

  • No Ingestion Hazard

  • No Excess Solvent with Regulatory and Disposal Issues

SpliceMaster® Product Numbers
Cleaner Type Units
Per Case
HP Cleaner GP Cleaner TR Cleaner
  8" x 12" saturated wipe in pouch HP-1 GP-1 TR-1L 144
  5" x 8" saturated wipe in pouch --- --- TR-1 96
  Tandem Pack wet/dry 5" x 8" wipes HP-P158ID --- --- 144
  Canister with 72 10"x12" saturated wipes HP-D72 GP-D72 --- 6
  PEL-PAC® cable prep kit with 3 6"x9" wipes in tin HP-T369 GP-T369 --- 24
  PEL-PAC® cable prep kit with sanding strip HP-T369/S GP-T369/S --- 24
  PEL-PAC® kit with sanding strip and drying cloth HP-T369/SD --- --- 24
  Prep kit with 6 HP-P158ID, 3 sanding strips, instructions HP-P63 --- TR-P63 12

All above catalog #�s that have a "T" after the dash are tins (T=tins). If you would prefer a plastic pouch instead, substitute P for T.

If you would like free samples of these packages please call 800-328-9384 and ask for Lea or Sharon, or send an e-mail to [email protected]. Please reference this sheet by typing "CCS" (convenience, control & safety) in your subject line

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