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Excerpts from the

"IEEE Guide for In-Service Maintenance
and Electrical Testing of Live-Line Tools"

IEEE Standard 978-1984

Section 4.3: Cleaning and Waxing.

Before each use, insulating tools should be wiped with a clean, absorbent cloth and followed by wiping with a silicone-treated cloth.

Caution: Do not use cloths that have been washed in harsh solvents since some residues on the cloth can be deposited on the pole surface.

If simple wiping does not remove the contaminant then apply denatured alcohol with a paper towel or clean, absorbent cloth and follow by wiping with a silicone-treated cloth. Other solvents or cleaners may be used as recommended by the manufacturers of the insulating tools.

Caution: Do not use soap detergents, liquid or powdered form, such as 409, Fantastic, Comet, ND-150, Bon Ami, Ajax, etc. to clean fiberglass tools under field conditions because of the following problems:

  1. The above described cleaning agents will leave a conductive residue unless rinsed with generous amounts of water (usually not available in the field).
  2. Abrasive cleaners will destroy the surface gloss on the stick.
Note: All fiberglass tools that are subjected to such cleaning agents should be electrically tested
under wetting conditions to ensure complete removal of residue from soap-type cleaners (see 5.3)

Waxing is not necessary after every use of the tools but rather as needed to maintain a glossy surface that will cause any moisture or water to bead on the surface (see 5.5). Before the tool is rewaxed, to avoid a wax build-up, the pole should always be cleaned with a solvent or cleanser recommended by the manufacturer of the tools.

Waxing not only imparts a glossy finish to the surface of the fiberglass but also adds to the electrical integrity of the tool by providing a protective barrier against dirt, creosote and other contaminants, and moisture.

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