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Stop Oil & SF6 Seepage!

Transformer Leak Repair System


  • QUICK PLUGGING ACTION - A fast cure putty stops oil and SF6 gas leaks.   See 2-part paste Application Photos
  • PERMANENT SEAL - A 2-part paste overcoat forms a permanent seal.
  • DURABLE - Finished seal is impervious to water, oil, and weather.
  • FAST - System can plug and seal active leaks in minutes.
  • SAVES MONEY - Faster than welding. Transformer may stay in service.
  • SIMPLE - Eliminates "bagging" or removal from field.
  • CONVENIENT - Kit contains all materials needed to fix leak while in the field.

PowerPatch® Cartridge

PowerPatch® Paste

PowerPatch® Slow-Cure

Convenient, reusable package for multiple repairs

Non-sagging paste for large cracks & active leaks

Longer cure time for big seams & repairs

Flyer Flyer Flyer
Technical Bulletin Technical Bulletin Technical Bulletin
Instructions Instructions Instructions

PowerPatch® System

Use the PowerPatch® System's putty stick to block oil and SF6 leaks.   Then make a permanent patch with the fast cure, 2-part paste overcoat.   Ensure optimal mix and performance with pre-measured packaging.

It is non-conductive and has a dielectric strength of 43KV (ASTM D149).

Seals punctures or cracks in hard to reach areas.   Fixes leaks fast.   At 70°F, the putty and sealant harden in about 10 minutes.   Repairs made at temperatures as low as 40°F, have a somewhat slower cure.*   The finished patch is resistant to transformer oil and sulfur hexaflouride gas (SF6), and has held oil pressures in excess of 100 psi.*Slower cure version available for larger leaks and repair areas.

Preparation is important, and the kit approach provides everything needed to do the job, although in instances of excessive oil leakage or dirt accumulation, separate scrubbing rags such as Grime-Away™ Cleaning Wipes are helpful.   Read detailed application instructions before using.

TESTIMONIAL:   "This product was used on a pad-mounted switchgear that had developed a rust hole on a corner, allowing possible access to energized parts.   Product was easy to apply and went over rusted area quite well.   It cured well and has adhered to rusted surface, allowing us to delay replacing a $40,000.00 unit that had this one defect."

PowerPatch® Kit

The PowerPatch® Sealant is provided in a kit containing the preparation and patching materials necessary to repair oil and SF6 gas leaks in transformers, lead-sheathed cables, potheads, and other oil-filled, electrical equipment.   Kits can be customized to end-user requirements.

Product CodeDescription Image

PowerPatch® Leak Repair System is NOW AVAILABLE in a Multi-Use CARTRIDGE.

EPCT-KIT1Contains: Two PowerPatch� 2-Part Cartridges with 4 static mixers, 2 putty sticks (1-3/4"), 8 Type RP™ cleaning and preparation wipes, 24" sandpaper strip, 4 application sticks, and instructions. Multi-Use Kit.
TOOL-50-11 must be purchased separately to dispense the PowerPatch� sealant.
EPCT-KIT1G*Contains: EPCT-KIT1 with Application Tool TOOL-50-11 NONE
EPCT-KITB6G*Contains: 6 EPCT-KIT1 with Application Tool TOOL-50-11 NONE
TOOL-50-11Contains: 1 Application tool to dispense cartridge packages, EPCT
(replaces EPCT-TOOL)

Traditional PowerPatch® Leak Repair System still available in a 2-part paste.

EP-KIT11Contains: One sealed plastic bag with 2-part sealant (part A & B), putty stick (1-3/4"), 2 Type RP™ cleaning and preparation wipes, 12" sandpaper strip, 2 mixing sticks, 1 pair gloves, and instructions. Box with 1 Single-Use Kit
EP-KITB6Contains: Six sealed plastic bags, each with 2-part sealant (part A & B), putty stick (1-3/4"), 2 Type RP™ cleaning and preparation wipes, 12" sandpaper strip, 2 mixing sticks, 1 pair gloves, and instructions. Box of 6 Single-Use Kits NONE
EP-KITB12Contains: Twelve sealed plastic bags, each with 2-part sealant (part A & B), putty stick (1-3/4"), 2 Type RP™ cleaning and preparation wipes, 12" sandpaper strip, 2 mixing sticks, 1 pair gloves, and instructions. Box of 12 Single-Use Kits NONE
EP-KIT51Contains: 6 sets 2-part sealant (part A & B), putty stick (7"), 12 Type RP™ cleaning and preparation wipes, 6 strips sandpaper strips (24"), 12 mixing sticks, 6 pair gloves, and instructions. Seals multiple leaks. NONE

PowerPatch® Sealant available in slow-cure version with larger quantity for big repair areas.

EPSC-KIT1Contains: One sealed plastic bag with 2-part sealant (part A & B), 3 Type RP™ cleaning and preparation wipes, 12" sandpaper strip, 4 mixing sticks, 1 pair gloves, and instructions. Box with 1 Single-Use Kit
*International export regulations prohibit inclusion of the dispensing tool in kits.
Please order the tool (cat #TOOL-50-11) separately for international destinations.

Important Notice: The statements and information here are made in good faith based on tests and observations we believe to be reliable. However, the completeness and accuracy of the information is not guaranteed. Before using, the end-user should conduct whatever evaluations are necessary to determine that the product is suitable for the intended use. The user assumes all risks and liability in connection with such use. The statements contained herein are made in lieu of all warranties, express or implied, including, but not limited to, implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose, which warranties are hereby expressly disclaimed. American Polywater's only obligation shall be to replace such quantity of the product proven to be defective. Except for the replacement remedy, American Polywater shall not be liable for any loss, injury or damage, direct or indirect, arising from the use or the failure to properly use these products, regardless of the legal theory asserted. The foregoing may not be altered except by a written agreement by the officers of American Polywater Corporation.

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